Four 1-year tests of metal samples (carbon steel, zinc, copper, aluminum, and D16 alloy) were carried out at locations with coastal and rural atmospheres to determine corrosion losses and the rate of chloride deposition ([Cl-]) on the upper and lower sample sides. [Cl-] were determined for different orientations relative to the sea winds on coastal sites. A methodology for testing metal samples is presented and the values of the first-year corrosion losses of metals (C1) are reported. It is shown that the corrosion of metals is significantly affected by the season of when the samples are installed. The atmosphere corrosivity under each conditions of sample exposure is estimated by the C1 values calculated using the developed dose-response functions (DRFs). It has been shown that the DRFs can be used to predict C1 and estimate the atmosphere corrosivity categories at locations with various types of atmosphere and under various exposure conditions.