The FeCoSiAlGaPCB alloys can be prepared as bulk amorphous materials, with outstanding mechanical properties and increased electrical resistivity. These features can be beneficial for their application as a magnetic refrigerant. The influence of Co addition on the magnetic entropy change of the alloy has been studied. This compositional modification displaces the temperature of the peak entropy change closer to room temperature, but reduces the refrigerant capacity of the material. For the Co-free alloy, the peak entropy change is increased with respect to a Finemet alloy containing Mo, but its refrigerant capacity is not enhanced. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2188385͔Magnetic refrigeration is a field of research that has gained increasing attention, as it is considered an alternative to the gas compression-expansion cycle. At temperatures close to room temperature, rare-earth-based materials are among the most relevant ones. [1][2][3][4] To display a big magnetocaloric response, two requirements have to be fulfilled: the material needs to exhibit a big magnetic moment and, also, a strong temperature dependence of magnetization close to the working temperature. This second condition, related to a magnetic phase transition, can be achieved in two different ways. Either by a first-order phase transition, which produces an abrupt temperature change of the magnetic moment and, therefore, a remarkable peak in the magnetic entropy change ͑⌬S M ͒ at the transition temperature, or by a second order phase transition, which causes a more smeared peak in ⌬S M . However, the remarkable hysteresis that appears in some materials, associated to first order phase transitions, may reduce the actual efficiency of the cooling process. 5 It has been pointed out, nevertheless, that in order to compare the characteristics of different materials as candidates for magnetic refrigerants, their refrigerant capacity ͑RC͒ in a reversible cycle, connected to the entropy absorbed by the refrigerant at the cold end of the cycle and its temperature span, should be used. 6 The search for low-cost materials for high-temperature magnetic refrigeration is a field of current interest. 7-12 Recently it has been shown that some soft-magnetic amorphous alloys are good candidates for this application, 11 with a refrigerant capacity that is comparable to that of low-hysteretic Gd-based materials. 4 It has also been shown that the nanocrystallization of the alloy, although broadening the ⌬S M