Accurate coupling between the resolved-scale dynamics and the parametrised physics is essential for accurate modelling of the atmosphere. Previous emphasis has been on the temporal aspects of this so-called physics-dynamics coupling problem, with little attention on the spatial aspects. When designing a model for numerical weather prediction there is a choice for how to vertically arrange the predicted variables, namely the Lorenz and Charney-Phillips grids, and there is ongoing debate as to which is the optimal. The Charney-Phillips grid is considered good for capturing the potential vorticity dynamics and wave propagation, whereas the Lorenz grid is more suitable for conservation. However the Lorenz grid supports a computational mode. It is argued here that the Lorenz grid is preferred for modelling the stably stratified boundary layer. This presents the question: which grid will produce more accurate results when coupling the large-scale dynamics to the stably stratified planetary boundary layer? The question is addressed by examining the ability of both the Lorenz and Charney-Phillips grids to capture the steady state of a set of equations that simultaneously represents both large-scale dynamics and the planetary boundary layer. The results show that the Charney-Phillips grid is able to capture accurately the steady boundary-layer solution provided the Richardson number is calculated without vertically averaging the shear. Averaging the shear suppresses the negative feedback of the shear on the diffusion coefficient; the positive feedback, via the vertical gradient of potential temperature, then leads to the formation of unrealistic step-like features.