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SUPPLEMENTARY NOTESThe views, opinions and/or findings contained in this report are those of ihe author(s) and should not be construed as an official Department of the Army position, policy or decision, unless so designated b\ other documentation.
ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)This report summarizes the main results obtained in the ARO funded research project performed at the University of Illinois at Chicago. The objectives of this research project were to provide a comprehensive study and to develop new computational methodologies in the area of mechanics, and control of constrained deformable bodies äs applied to large scale flexible mechanical systems. In this research project, a new finite element procedure, the absolute nodal coordinate formulation, was developed. This new procedure can be used for the large deformation and rotation analysis of flexible multibody systems. It leads to exact modeling of the rigid body dynamics, and to a constant mass matrix for the finite elements in two-and three-dimensional applications. As a consequence, the vector of Coriolis and centrifugal forces is identically equal to zero. The new formulation captures the effect of the geometric centrifugal stiffness and accounts for the effect of the elastic nonlinearities. Several large deformation multibody problems were examined, and the results obtained using the new procedure were compared with the results obtained using existing finite element formulations. The results obtained in this research project are documented in several publications listed in this report.