We give a criterion for two ℓ-adic Galois representations of an algebraic number field to be isomorphic when restricted to a decomposition group, in terms of the global representations mod ℓ. This is applied to prove a generalization of a conjecture of Rasmussen-Tamagawa [14] under a semistablity condition, extending some results [12] of one of the authors. It is also applied to prove a congruence result on the Fourier coefficients of modular forms. E λ -linear of finite dimension, and assumed to be continuous with respect to the natural topologies. Their "reductions" will be denoted byV .In the following, n and e are fixed integers ≥ 1 and e is assumed to be divisible by the absolute ramification index e(K u /Q ℓ ) of K u /Q ℓ . For K, u, v, E, λ, n, e as above and a real number b, let Rep (G) E,λ,n (K; u, b, e, v) denote the set of n-dimensional E λ -linear representations V of G K which have the following properties: -V is semistable at v (in the sense that the action of the inertia is unipotent (including the case where it is trivial)), -V is E-integral at v in the sense of Definition 2.2, -V becomes semistable (in the sense of Fontaine [7]) over a finite extension K ′ u ′ of K u whose absolute ramification index e(K ′ u ′ /Q ℓ ) divides e, -V has Hodge-Tate weights ⊂ [0, b] at u, and -V is of type (G) in the sense of Definition 2.4, Our first main result is: