Unlike the study of the fixed point property (FPP, for brevity) of retractable topological spaces, the research of the FPP of non-retractable topological spaces remains. The present paper deals with the issue. Based on order-theoretic foundations and fixed point theory for Khalimsky (K-, for short) topological spaces, the present paper studies the product property of the FPP for K-topological spaces. Furthermore, the paper investigates the FPP of various types of connected K-topological spaces such as non-K-retractable spaces and some points deleted K-topological (finite) planes, and so on. To be specific, after proving that not every one point deleted subspace of a finite K-topological plane X is a K-retract of X, we study the FPP of a non-retractable topological space Y, such as one point deleted space Y ∖ { p } .