The main added value of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute broadband satellite multimedia (ETSI BSM) architecture is the definition of the Satellite Independent-Service Access Point (SI-SAP) protocol interface, which formally separates Satellite Dependent (SD) from SI layers, thus enabling the implementation of powerful vertical QoS mapping strategies. On the other hand, DVB-S2/RCS satellite standard is considered the driving technology to integrate satellite with terrestrial infrastructure and provide up-to-date services. This paper focuses on the integration of ETSI BSM architecture and DVB-RCS technology, by analysing the adaptations needed on real DVB-RCS terminals to be interoperable with the SI-SAP interface. To this end, the detailed design of an underlying architecture taking into account required adaptations and new functionalities is proposed. The possible further evolutions of the BSM specification are also highlighted, showing the potential for the development of future devices integrating both DVB-RCS and ETSI BSM architectures also in view of the recent upgrade to the DVB-RCS2 standard. The paper also validates the SI-SAP QoS functionalities and proves the performance benefits in terms of QoS and quality of experience of Web-browsing by means of a satellite emulator developed fors this aim. also thanks to the deployment of Adaptive Coding and Modulation available in the second version of the standard. DVB-S and DVB-S2 standards were initially conceived to support video broadcast over satellite, but actually, they can support more general broadcast and broadband transport so as to meet the current service users' demands.As far as the return channel air interface is concerned, the second version of the DVB-RCS standard, defined as DVB-RCS2 [4], has recently appeared. It must be noticed that DVB-RCS(2), unlike DVB-S2, has been designed for data rates lower than those offered on the forward link, because traditionally, return links have been conceived to transport a limited amount of traffic (e.g. satellite signalling) rather than broadband traffic. The new release (DVB-RCS2) actually extends the features already available in the DVB-RCS standard and also provides the specification of the higher layers of the protocol stack. The market penetration of DVB-RCS [5] is, however, still controversial, as terminals still implement proprietary solutions, thus possibly lacking interoperability. The introduction of DVB-RCS2 technology is expected to cope with this market fragmentation, owing to the definition of a standardised protocol interface (Return Link Encapsulation[6]) between network layer (e.g. IP) and DVB-RCS2 layer. Nevertheless, the overall DVB-RCS2 protocol stack still lacks modularity, whereby the upgrade of functions (e.g. cross-layer QoS management) involving IP and DVB-RCS2 layers cannot be easily implemented without significant changes in the protocol interfaces. A straightforward solution to these yet unsolved issues is to actually provide a hardware abstraction layer working o...