Traditional smart-card oriented authentication schemes provide a secure method for authorized users to login a remote server through insecure networks. Many modified schemes are presented to enhance the security properties, which include mutual authentication, various attacks resistance, table-free in server, etc. However, the authentication procedures become complicated with abovementioned enhancements, so these enhanced schemes are not practical solutions for the smart card based authentication system. Moreover, since the master key stored in a single server is a sensitive and long-lived secrecy, it is vulnerable to an adversary's agelong attack. Therefore, in this paper, we present an efficient mutual authentication scheme, which provides a practical solution for an industrial application system using smart cards. In addition, our scheme implements the proactive secret sharing method, namely, the master key is divided into several distributed keys, which are separately stored in different servers. Our scheme provides a mechanism to update all distributed keys in every time interval, and detect and then recover the corrupted distributed keys, as well.