This work presents the design of an interface that allow to control and monitoring high voltage loads in the range of 8,5V to 35V. The interface provides two main features, the first one is to allow low voltage circuits supplied with 5V to control the switching of power PMOS transistors with a gate voltage 5V bellow the supply voltage. The second one is monitoring overcurrents on the high voltage load alerting with a low voltage signal these occurences. The interface was designed and fabricated on the CMOS XC06-0,6µm process from XFAB with the inclusion of modules that allow the use of high voltage transistors. As part of the proposed solution it was analyzed, implemented and measured a floating voltage regulator wich provides an output voltage 5V bellow the supply voltage. The area of the regulator is 599µm x 330µm and the measures of the output voltage presents variations under the 10%. Also it was designed and integrates in the same integrated circuit a sensor to measure the output level of the floating regulator and communicate the state of this output with a 5V signal, this block occupies an area of 599µm x 579µm. This sensor presented a 7% standard desviation on the measured voltage threashold. The interface was integrated on an inductive proximity sensor allowing the switching of a 430pF load at 1,2kHz for the entire all supply range.