“…Partly due to the time constraint of the lectures, we have left out many interesting topics on super representation theory. We refer to [BL, J] (and more recently [SZ]) for finite-dimensional irreducible characters of atypicality one, to [BKN, DS, Ma, Mu, Pe, PS] for geometric approaches, to [Br2,CWZ2] for further development of the Fock space approach of Brundan for the queer Lie superalgebra q(n) and for osp(2|2n), to [CK,CKW,CZ1,Ger,San,Sva,Zou] for some cohomological aspects, to [BrK, SW, WZ] for prime characteristic, to [JHKT, Su] for related combinatorial structures; also see [Gor, KW, Naz] for additional work on Lie superalgebras.…”