Abstract. We present a survey on congruences of lines of low order. We start by recalling the main properties of the focal locus, and use it to reobtain the classification of congruences of order one in P 3 . We then explain the main ideas of a work in progress with S. Verra, outlining how to classify congruences of lines of order two in P 3 . We end by stating the main problems on this topic.The study of line congruences (i.e. (n − 1)-dimensional families of lines in P n ), especially for n = 3, 4 has been very popular in the turn from nineteenth till twentieth century, and has been retaken with modern techniques at the end of the last century. One of the aspects studied has been the classification of congruences of low order (the order is defined to be the number of lines of the family passing through a general point of P n ). In particular, line congruences in P 3 of order up to three have been studied among many others by Kummer ([15]) and Fano ([9] and [10]), while congruences of order one in P 4 have been studied especially by Marletta ([17] and [18]). Most of the results obtained by the classical geometers have been reobtained and improved in nowadays terms. Specifically, Ran ([20]) has given a complete classification of all the two-dimensional families of linear spaces of any dimension in any projective space and having order one (in particular, he reobtained, fixing one missing case, Kummer's classification of line congruences of order one in P 3 ). The cases of order two and three (still in P 3 ) were considered with modern techniques only when the family of lines was smooth. The classification of order two was obtained by Verra ([23]), while the classification of order three was completed by Gross ([14]). For line congruences in P 4 , the situation is much more complicated, and in fact only partial classifications are known for order one, even in case 224 E. Arrondo Vol. 70 (2002) the congruences are assumed to be smooth (see [7] and [8] for a thorough study of some of the cases outlined by Marletta).In this paper we will give an overview of the general situation, explaining how to obtain much of the above classification, and enlarging it to the case of line congruences of order two in P 3 without the smoothness hypothesis (the latter being a work in progress with Sandro Verra). The concrete structure and contents of the paper are as follows.In Section 1 we will fix the notation and basic definitions, in particular the one of the focal locus, a classical topic recently retaken by Ciliberto and Sernesi ([5]). We will then state and briefly prove the main properties of the focal locus of line congruences that we will need. A complete study of these (and many other) properties in the case of line congruences in P 3 (the main case treated in this paper) can be found in [3], while for an arbitrary P n the results will appear in a forthcoming paper of Marina Bertolini, Cristina Turrini and the author. Anyway most of the results of this section (and the next one) are very classical and has been reproved ...