Pálinka is the national spirit of Hungary and is in possession of the geographical indication of the European Union, but it used to be listed as a poor-quality product for a long time. The turnaround in this field began in the early 2000s. The aim of this study is to analyse the behaviour and attitudes regarding the purchase and consumption of pálinka and, to assess the product-related awareness of Hungarian consumers who like this particular spirit. Based on the literature, the knowledge of Hungarian consumers about pálinka is rather low, which is confirmed by the results of our questionnaire survey of 1,000 people. Furthermore, based on the results obtained, participants in the pálinka sector are more likely to understand how important certain product attributes that are perceived by consumers when purchasing pálinka. In order to increase the awareness of the spirit, it is essential to get to know the consumers, which can be followed by a well-positioned marketing strategy from both the government and corporate side.