Chloroplasts are the organelles of green plants in which light energy is transduced into chemical energy, forming ATP and reduced carbon compounds upon which all life depends. The expenditure of this energy is one of the central issues of cellular metabolism. Chloroplasts contain ∼3,000 proteins, among which less than 100 are typically encoded in the plastid genome. The rest are encoded in the nuclear genome, synthesized in the cytosol, and posttranslationally imported into the organelle in an energy-dependent process. We report here a measurement of the amount of ATP hydrolyzed to import a protein across the chloroplast envelope membranesonly the second complete accounting of the cost in Gibbs free energy of protein transport to be undertaken. Using two different precursors prepared by three distinct techniques, we show that the import of a precursor protein into chloroplasts is accompanied by the hydrolysis of ∼650 ATP molecules. This translates to a ΔG protein transport of some 27,300 kJ/mol protein imported. We estimate that protein import across the plastid envelope membranes consumes ∼0.6% of the total light-saturated energy output of the organelle. T he majority of proteins in cells are synthesized in the cytoplasm on free or membrane-bound ribosomes. The fraction of proteins that are translocated across one or more cellular membranes has been estimated to be almost 50% in eukaryotic cells (1) and as high as 30% in bacteria (2, 3). Thus, protein movement out of the cytoplasm across membranes represents a considerable cellular activity involving numerous and varied protein transport systems. Protein translocation across membranes is also generally an energy-requiring process, making it a potentially costly activity for cells (4).The nature of the energy inputs to the different protein translocation systems has been extensively studied. We know, for example, that the posttranslational transport of proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum requires ATP hydrolysis alone (4-6), and that the transport of proteins into the thylakoid lumen or across the bacterial plasma membrane on the Tat pathway requires only the transmembrane protonmotive force with no contribution of ATP hydrolysis (7,8). A more complex energy input is required for many other protein transport systems. For instance, the import of proteins into the mitochondrial matrix requires both ATP hydrolysis and the Δψ across the inner mitochondrial membrane (9-11), and bacterial secretion and protein transport to the thylakoid lumen on their respective Sec pathways use ATP hydrolysis and the protonmotive force (3,7,12,13).In contrast to the abundance of work defining the nature of the energy driving protein transporters, few attempts have been made to quantitate the amount of energy required for these reactions. Without this information, it is not possible to assess the amount of metabolic energy that is spent on the cell's considerable protein trafficking activity. One such measurement of the energy required for protein transport is the so-called translo...