“…A lot of experience has been gained over the past 3 years in using different regimens in field conditions, and preliminary reports are available on the efficacy of drug combinations and operational aspects of WHO ILEP and IAL regimens.9, I O , 15, 18, 1 9,2 0 Effectiveness of Isoprodian with rifampi cin (Borstal therapy) in a mass scale Malta-Project has been reported4 and subsequent long-term fo llow up evaluation has been reported recently. 7,14 No such data are yet available on Isoprodian-RMP (ISO-R) and other regimen. Whatever type of regimen one is likely to implement for a mass scale programme to meet the objectives, in addition to efficacy, fe asibility, acceptability, avail ability of drugs, it is very essential to consider the cost fa ctor of both drug and operational costs of mass scale multidrug therapy programmes in view of financial constraints.…”