Architecting complex systems and complex system‐of‐systems (SoS) have evinced keen interest recently. Architectural design decisions have a significant bearing on the operational measures of success, referred to as Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs), of the systems and SoS. Architecting complex systems and SoS involves making architecture design decisions despite uncertainty (due to knowledge gaps) on the implications associated with the decisions. The learning of whether the decision is optimal or not, and the impact on the MOEs and the emergent behavior of the SoS, often occur later, resulting in Learning Cycles. This paper proposes an integrated decision learning framework for architecture design decisions for complex systems and SoS. The proposed framework adopts a decision oriented view that factors the uncertainty associated with architectural decisions and the learning cycles and feedback loops experienced. The framework enables leverage of machine learning approaches to learn from the decision learning cycles experienced and factor it into the uncertainty assessments of the decisions. By inculcating various aspects such as knowledge gaps and learning cycles, by building models such as Learning Cycle Model and Uncertainty Model, and by incorporating deployment approaches such as codification of decision attributes and decision uncertainty assessments, the proposed framework enables progressive maturity of the architectural knowledge base and aids robustness in architecture design decisions.