A b s t r a c t Due to the rapid development of VLSI technology, computing systems can be made much more distributed and to match the structures of the problems for various applications. Because the characteristics of distributed computing systems are significantly different from those of centralized computing systems, different a,pproaches are needed to effectively address t,he design issues related to the characteristics of software for distributed computing systems. In this pa.per, the methods currently used to develop the software for distributed computing systems are classified into three categories: dataflow-oriented, communicationoriented, and object-oriented. Their applicabilities are conpa.red, and the future trends of software design approaches are discussed. Object-oriented software design methodoiogy is identified as a more promising approach to software design for distributed computing systems.I n d e x Terms-Distributed software design approaches, distributed computing systems, dataflow-oriented design approach, communication-oriented design approach, object oriented design approach, future trends.
Introduet ionDue to the rapid developrrent of VLSI technology, computing systems can be made much more distributed and to match the structures of the problems for various applications. Furthermore, distribcted computing systems have the following major advantagcs: 1) The performance of a distributed computing system can be greatly improved by increasing its parallel processing capability. 2) A distributed computing system can be made more fault tolerant due to its distributed nature. 3) Tht: system can be easily expanded. Beca.use the cha,racteristics of distributed computing systems are sigxiificantly difierent f .om those of centralized computing systems, we need differ :nt, approaches to software design which can effectively address the issues related to the characteristics of distributed c( mputing systems, and realize the fu.11 potential of distribute< computing systems.In this paper, we will ( insider the characteristics of distributed computing systen i and categorize the methods currently used to develop so;tware for distributed computing systems in three classes: d ttaflow-oriented, communicationoriented, and object-oriented. The problems and issues to be addressed by the software design methodologies for distributed computing systems will also be identified. We will also discuss the trends of software design methods and identify the object-oriented software design methodology as a more promising approach . o software design for distributed computing systems although many research problems remain open.
Characteristics of Distributed Computing Software SystemsA distributed computing system can be considered as a number of hardware processor: with each processor having certain computing capability, and a number of communication links among processors. From software point of view, a distributed software system -nx~ be considered as a set of sequential processes with each process residing on a hardw...