We introduce the notion of a general cup product bundle gerbe and use it to define the Weyl bundle gerbe on T × SU (n)/T . The Weyl map from T × SU (n)/T to SU (n) is then used to show that the pullback of the basic bundle gerbe on SU (n) defined by the second two authors is stably isomorphic to the Weyl bundle gerbe as SU (n)-equivariant bundle gerbes. Both bundle gerbes come equipped with connections and curvings and by considering the holonomy of these we show that these bundle gerbes are not D-stably isomorphic.Date: December 13, 2019. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C08, 55N45. Key words and phrases. bundle gerbe, basic bundle gerbe, cup product bundle gerbe, stable isomorphism.