Based on a large number of tight gas exploration and development literature researches, it is found that the horizontal drilling technology and fracturing operation are usually used in the tight gas reservoir for its low permeability. Three tasks have been done in this paper. First, we described the characteristics and the flow mechanism of the tight gas reservoirs which are different from the conventional ones and gave a new definition of two phase pseudo pressure. Second, formation stress sensitivity, starting pressure gradient and the interaction of fractures are considered. Equivalent flow resistance was used to establish a model of tight gas steady flow, and a new productivity formula of fractured horizontal well in tight gas reservoir derived by the new flow model. Third, the productivity influence research has been done, which gives the influence degree of different parameters. It is signified that the productivity will increase with the addition of the permeability modulus and decrease with the increase of the water-gas volume ratio. The influence of starting pressure gradient was not very clear and the fractures parameters showed the opposite situation. Therefore optimization design of tight gas reservoir development mode can be improved by the productivity formula and research.Keywords: Tight gas, fracture, horizontal, gas-water two phase, steady-state productivity.Citation: Li, X., Liang, J., Xu, W., et al. The new method on gas-water two phase steady-state productivity of fractured horizontal well in tight gas reservoir.