Polycrystalline quartz ribbons in high-grade metamorphic rocks from the Daqingshan region, are typical microfabrics of, and provide information for, deep crust deformation and metamorphism. The quartz ribbons have straight boundaries and extend stably along gneissosity. They truncate other mineral grains in the rocks and may contain inclusions of such minerals that are lens-shaped and oriented. They frequently end into branching termination. Analysis fluid inclusions in polycrystalline quartz ribbons reveal that the complex types of fluid inclusions are inhomogeneously distributed. They are obviously different from inclusions captured at granulite facies, in both fluid compositions and T-P estimations. Based on microfabric and fluid inclusion analysis, the polycrystalline quartz ribbons are suggested to be formed by SO 2 -rich fluids filling micro-fractures that are parallel to early gneissosity. The SO 2 composition is derived from the deformed host rocks. The fluid phase has significant effects on the rheological characteristics, fracturing of rocks, and formation of quartz ribbons.polycrystalline quartz ribbon, fluid inclusion, microstructure, Daqingshan Polycrystalline quartz ribbons, 0.3-0.6 mm in width, are composed of many oriented rectangle and subrectangle quartz grains, and extend stably with straight boundaries. They are frequently observed in ductile deformation zones in early Precambrian high-grade metamorphic terrains. and form one of the most important fabrics in high-grade metamorphic rocks. Studies of their microstructural characteristics, formation mechanism and evolution process may provide deep insight into the tectonic dynamics of high-grade metamorphic rocks in early Precambrian and at deep crustal levels. Therefore, many structural geologists studied microstructural characteristics, environment of formation and mechanism of the polycrystalline quartz ribbons [1][2][3][4][5][6] . But up to now, there is still controversy over the mechanism and formation conditions of quartz ribbons. Three proposals are: (1) Straight quartz ribbons from deformation of primary compositional layers of quartz or quartz aggregates. Compositional layering preceded quartz ribbons [1,2] . (2) Diffusion along fractures, suggested by Mackinon et al. [3] , based on microstructural features of quartz ribbons. (3) High temperature plastic deformation of quartz grains under granulite facies, characteristic of high temperature mylonite [4][5][6] . The last is the most accepted model. The following evidence is, however, against this model, i.e. the conflict between high energy configuration (stretched shapes) of quartz grains in quartz ribbons and low strain intragranular fabrics, many mineral grains from host rocks occur as inclusions in large quartz ribbons, and some quartz ribbons have branched tails.The polycrystalline quartz ribbons from high-grade metamorphic rocks in the Daqingshan region occur in early Precambrian ductile shear zones. They are struc-