We study unit ball graphs (and, more generally, so-called noisy uniform ball graphs) in d-dimensional hyperbolic space, which we denote by H d . Using a new separator theorem, we show that unit ball graphs in H d enjoy similar properties as their Euclidean counterparts, but in one dimension lower: many standard graph problems, such as I S , D S , S T , and H C can be solved in 2 O(n 1−1/(d−1) ) time for any xed d 3, while the same problems need 2 O(n 1−1/d ) time in R d . We also show that these algorithms in H d are optimal up to constant factors in the exponent under ETH.This drop in dimension has the largest impact in H 2 , where we introduce a new technique to bound the treewidth of noisy uniform disk graphs. The bounds yield quasi-polynomial (n O(log n) ) algorithms for all of the studied problems, while in the case of H C and 3 C we even get polynomial time algorithms. Furthermore, if the underlying noisy disks in H 2 have constant maximum degree, then all studied problems can be solved in polynomial time. This contrasts with the fact that these problems require 2 Ω( √ n) time under ETH in constant maximum degree Euclidean unit disk graphs.Finally, we complement our quasi-polynomial algorithm for I S in noisy uniform disk graphs with a matching n Ω(log n) lower bound under ETH. This shows that the hyperbolic plane is a potential source of NP-intermediate problems.