The IP protocol faces many problems related to scalability, network management, deployment, and support for higher-layer functionality. Overlay End-System Multicast systems (ESM) has received attention in the literature due to their capabilities to potentially address most problems associated with IP multicast. Recent research results discussed satellite networks' limitations to support high volume traffic and suggested some partial solutions. The limitations of these solutions are related to Multimedia applications over satellite networks. Multimedia applications would likely form a significant fraction of satellite traffic between space stations and Satellite Internet soon. Concerning the current transmission rates over the satellite Internet, it is highly likely that the multimedia applications would quickly surpass other data transmission forms in terms of its client base's size shortly. An example of such usage is shown in the Figure for integrated and interoperable satellite and terrestrial networks. The research aims to improve the satellite Internet and the satellite networks that support Multimedia applications. This research's objectives are very relevant and extremely important to NASA's strategic goal 4: Optimize Capabilities and Operations, specifically, "Provide access to space for the Nation's civil sector satellite and robotic planetary missions".