Science is conducted collaboratively, often requiring the sharing of knowledge about computational experiments. When experiments include only datasets, they can be shared using Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) or Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs). An experiment, however, seldom includes only datasets, but more often includes software, its past execution, provenance, and associated documentation. The Research Object has recently emerged as a comprehensive and systematic method for aggregation and identification of diverse elements of computational experiments. While a necessary method, mere aggregation is not sufficient for the sharing of computational experiments. Other users must be able to easily recompute on these shared research objects. Computational provenance is often the key to enable such reuse. In this paper, we show how reusable research objects can utilize provenance to correctly repeat a previous reference execution, to construct a subset of a research object for partial reuse, and to reuse existing contents of a research object for modified reuse. We describe two methods to summarize provenance that aid in understanding the contents and past executions of a research object. The first method obtains a process-view by collapsing low-level system information, and the second method obtains a summary graph by grouping related nodes and edges with the goal to obtain a graph view similar to application workflow. Through detailed experiments, we show the efficacy and efficiency of our algorithms.The minimum use-case for sharing a computational experiment (in the form of a shared research object) involves repeating its original execution and verifying its results. To truly exploit its potential, however, it must support modified reuse. Therefore, the research object must be created and stored not as a simple aggregation of digital content, as previously advocated [2,6], but in a readily-computable form: as a reusable research object. We demonstrate the distinction in two ways.Consider a typical research paper with an analysis based on large amounts of code and data, and assume that the researcher authoring the paper has used the code and data to conduct a number of experiments that produce the paper's target figures and results. The example paper's digital artifacts relating to its experiments may be bundled together in a medium such as a file archive (.tar), compressed file format (.gz), virtual image, or container. A shared research object is free to use any of these mediums. A reusable research object, however, must use a virtual image or container, since it must produce a computational research object that, when downloaded and shared, will guarantee an instantly-executable unit of computation.Also consider the example paper's metadata, which, similar to the metadata in most papers, is interspersed throughout the project's written analysis, and throughout its code and data. The metadata can take many forms, including annotations, version information, and provenance. A shared research object's metadata ...