In classical clustering, each data point is assigned to at least one cluster. However, in many applications only a small subset of the available data is relevant for the problem and the rest needs to be ignored in order to obtain good clusters. Certain nonparametric density-based clustering methods find the most relevant data as multiple dense regions, but such methods are generally limited to low-dimensional data and do not scale well to large, high-dimensional datasets. Also, they use a specific notion of "distance", typically Euclidean or Mahalanobis distance, which further limits their applicability. On the other hand, the recent One Class Information Bottleneck (OC-IB) method is fast and works on a large class of distortion measures known as Bregman Divergences, but can only find a single dense region. This article presents a broad framework for finding k dense clusters while ignoring the rest of the data. It includes a seeding algorithm that can automatically determine a suitable value for k. When k is forced to 1, our method gives rise to an improved version of OC-IB with optimality guarantees. We provide a generative model that yields the proposed iterative algorithm for finding k dense regions as a special case. Our analysis reveals an interesting and novel connection between the problem of finding dense regions and exponential mixture models; a hard model corresponding to k exponential mixtures with a uniform background results in a set of k dense clusters. The proposed method describes a highly scalable algorithm for finding multiple dense regions that works with any Bregman Divergence, thus extending density based clustering to a variety of non-Euclidean problems not addressable by earlier methods. We present empirical results on three artificial, two microarray and one text dataset to show the relevance and effectiveness of our methods.