The United States Army's legacy maintenance strategy for its helicopter fleet is centered on replacing and repairing components based on aircraft hours flown. This strategy overlooks how variations in environmental conditions, component stresses, and other exogenous factors effect the lifetime of specific components across the entire fleet of Army Aviation Aircraft. This report describes the design and implementation of a data warehouse that subsumes many disparate databases currently housing information about these factors. This data warehouse supports a common synchronized "maintenance picture" that includes state, health, usage, and logistics data for any component on any helicopter in the fleet. This view enables researchers and planners to individually manage component maintenance according to a "condition based" policy. This report discusses a systems engineering approach to creating a data warehouse including logical and physical designs, data management strategies, and an implementation plan. Discussion is also included detailing how the warehouse might be adopted for conditioned-based maintenance of all Army systems. This CBM approach is highly reliant on a common, synchronized, and high-fidelity information system. This system must include all relevant data sources from any aspect of a component's life. Currently, such a system does not exist. The incumbent maintenance system does feature many important wellsprings of maintenance information. However, each of these data sources was developed for a specific purpose, and each has its own way of representing various aspects of the maintenance domain. These data subsystems have very different and inconsistent data definitions, data relationships, and data transformation rules.
Operational NeedWhat is needed is a common and freely available data warehouse that not only subsumes these existing data sources, but also accommodates any relevant data source from a component's life. This data warehouse will provide a comprehensive picture of all relevant information about the life of a component, and assist analyst, engineers, and managers with making the transition to condition based maintenance.
7This report focuses on the design of such a data warehouse to support a CBM Prototype. The CBM Prototype is an initial effort that demonstrates and explores the capabilities of the CBM concept. This prototype includes two primary research efforts. The first effort focuses on the engineering and reliability analysis necessary to realize CBM. The second effort, and the focus of our work, examines the data warehouse needed to support this analytical effort.
Design MethodologyIn an effort to inject process into the development of the data warehouse, we must first adopt an effective systems engineering methodology. A systems engineering methodology represents a systematic way of decomposing a high-level need into a set of well defined requirements and accompanying designs to satisfy these requirements. Many such processes are described and compared in