Executive Information System (EIS) is part of Business Intelligence (BI) which offering method for combining and mapping information from each different source into a holistic view [8], information visualization and dashboard usage [16] so that the Executives can analyze and assess from several viewpoints for planning choices and future acting strategies [8]. This research focuses on the Executive Information System (EIS) as the main solution for Executives of Student Advisory Center (SAC) in Bina Nusantara (BINUS) University. EIS Lifecycle Development is used as a main method to build EIS SAC. Information mapping from various source done with Extract Transform Load (ETL) and stored at data warehouse and then shown as combined dashboard, graphics and text. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is a model that explains and predicts how a User receives and uses a technology. In this research, TAM is used as a method for evaluate EIS SAC, which measured through four viewpoint such as Perceived Usefulness that show how the technology helped enough for improving the Executives work performance; Perceived Ease of Use that show how the technology will reduce the effort required, both physically and psychologically in completing the Executives work; Attitude Toward Using that show how the technology give a positive impact on work performance; and Behavioral Intention to Use that show the intention to implement and use the technology. The needs of students' information in each SAC sub unit is different and each sub unit provides its own data needed to be able to produce the information needed. Through the EIS SAC, information from different sources in each sub unit can be presented more quickly, more easily, and at the same time as a tool for Executive SAC BINUS University to determine choices and action strategies on low-achieving students.