Abstract-Around the world, many researchers and benchmarking institutions are working on the quality aspects of e-learning system. In a university consortium environment, there should be some sort of checkpoints for assessment of e-learning system because more than one member institution contributes to this e-learning environment.There is a need to assure university consortium members that learners are using an e-learning system which is highly rated. All consortium members contribute to the management, administration and learning content. For example, before accepting from a provider, the content is thoroughly checked by a panel of experts who specialize in content, instructional designing of sequencing and profiles.Similarly, for other areas, segregated forms of checkpoints and modules have been incorporated into the University Consortium Information System to incorporate the quality aspects. In this way, quality of e-learning system is improved. The present work discusses this process and, through investigations, suggests a framework to improve the quality aspects of the University Consortium Education System.