Paratarg-7 (P-7) is a frequent paraprotein target in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), multiple myeloma (MM), and Waldenströ m macroglobulinemia. Patients with P-7-specific paraproteins carry a hyperphosphorylated paratarg-7 (pP-7). Because pP-7 carrier state is dominantly inherited, we determined the paraprotein targets in 4 families with familial MGUS/MM. No antigenic target was identified for the paraproteins from 2 members of one family. Paraproteins from affected members of 2 other families targeted P-7, and paraproteins from 4 affected members of a fourth family targeted P-8, which is encoded by the ATG13 gene. P-8 was hyperphosphorylated in the affected family members (pP-8) and pP-8 carrier state is inherited in a dominant fashion. Six additional autoantigenic nonfamilial paraprotein targets were also hyperphosphory-
IntroductionUsing a human fetal brain-derived protein macroarray in a modified SEREX 1 approach, we identified paratarg-7 (P-7) as the target of 15% of IgA or IgG paraproteins 2 and 11% of IgM paraproteins. 3 All patients with P-7 specific paraproteins are carriers of a hyperphosphorylated version of the protein (pP-7), and this hyperphosphorylation is inherited in a dominant fashion. 2,4 pP-7 carrier state is associated with an increased risk of developing IgA/IgG monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)/multiple myeloma (MM) (odds ratio ϭ 7.9) 2 and IgM-MGUS (odds ratio ϭ 6.5). 3 Because pP-7 is the first molecularly defined risk factor for any hematologic neoplasm known to date, 2,3 we set out to define the antigenic targets of paraproteins from affected members of families with familial MGUS/MM.
Patients and controlsThis study was approved by the local ethical review board (Ethikkommission der Ä rztekammer des Saarlandes) and conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki. Peripheral blood and serum samples from 31 healthy and 10 affected members of 4 families with familial MGUS/MM were collected after obtaining written informed consent.
Serum screening on high-density protein arrays, immunoblot analyses, absorption studies, IEF, and phosphatase treatment of paraprotein targetsThese were performed as described before. 2,5 Absorption studies using His 6 -tagged P-8 protein or erythrocyte lysates were performed as described before for P-7. 2,5 Similarly, Western blot analyses, isoelectric focusing (IEF), and phosphatase treatment of all paraprotein targets were performed as described before for P-7. 2,5
P-7 and P-8 ELISAThe ELISA using full-length recombinant P-7 was performed as described by us previously. 2,5 For the P-8 ELISA, recombinant P-8 was used as a coat, and the ELISA was performed according to standard protocols using the paraproteins at a dilution of 1:10 6 .
Results and discussionFour families with Ն 2 cases of MGUS/MM were included in this study. No antigenic target was identified for the paraproteins from a brother and a sister of the first family, both affected by MM. Two sisters diagnosed with MGUS in the second famil...