ABBREVIATIONS: % CV, percentage coeffi cient of variation; APC, allophycocyanin; b-FKD, biotinylated FKD peptide; DELFIA ® , dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fl uorescence immunoassay; b-ASFA, biotinylated ASFA peptide; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; Eu-p(S/T)F Ab, anti-phosphor-(S/T)F antibody labeled with europium-chelate;FI, fl uorescence intensity; HTS, high-throughput screening; HPV16, human papillomavirus type 16; IC 50 , a half-maximal inhibitory concentration; mean + 3 std, the assay mean plus 3 times the standard deviation of percentage inhibition; Plk1∆C, polo-like kinase 1 deletion mutant with the N-terminal kinase domain; Plk1T210D,
One of the challenges to develop time-resolved fl uorescence resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) assay for serine/threonine (Ser/ Thr) protein kinase is to select an optimal peptide substrate and a specifi c phosphor Ser/Thr antibody. This report describes a multiplexed random screen-based development of TR-FRET assay for ultra-high-throughput screening (uHTS) of small molecule inhibitors for a potent cancer drug target polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1