In modern embedded systems, on-chip memory is generally organized as software-managed scratchpad memory (SPM). Li et al. discovered that in many embedded applications, the array interference graphs tend to be superperfect graphs. Based on this, they presented a superperfect graph-based SPM allocation algorithm, which is the best in the literature. In this paper, we make further progress in proving that the array interference graphs they focused on are permutation graphs; that is, a subclass of a superperfect graph. Compared to the latter, the permutation graph has certain advantages, such as linear time recognition and linear time optimal interval coloring. Based on our theoretical results, we improve their algorithm by transforming it into a permutation graph-based one by means of simple plug-in revisions. The experiments confirm that the improved algorithm achieves optimal coloring, and therefore, better allocation than the original superperfect graph-based algorithm for a broader scope of array interference graphs.