When roots abstract water thus drying the soil, crop growth may be reduced by increasing strength of soil as well as the lack of water. Strong soil impedes root growth, restricting access to deeper water. As a result, there is a need to estimate soil strength in order to model crop response to dry soil correctly. The strength of soil can be routinely assessed with a penetrometer but measurements are time consuming and hard work to acquire at the frequency required to understand soil-water-plant relations. To make progress, a published relationship that derives penetrometer pressure from both water relations in soil and density was improved to take account of the effects of depth including the friction that results from the increasing hydrostatic pressure. These relationships were then incorporated into an agroecosystem model so that the dynamics of strong soil and its effect on wheat could be simulated. The combined model requires the moisture release curve (but this can be derived from other commonlymeasured soil properties), daily rainfall, temperature, and potential evaporation and the agronomy of the crop. Modelled values of penetrometer pressure were simulated well compared with measured values in artificially strengthened (compacted) and weakened (irrigated) soils. Simulations of the strength of soil and the matric potential before anthesis are compared with measured total dry-matter yields of winter wheat in experimental fields. The results lend weight to the hypothesis that wheat yield is limited by the strength of soil in the field and that soil strength, rather than soil matric potential, better explains differences between soils.