Given a quantized enveloping algebra U q (g) and a pair of dominant weights (λ, µ), we extend a conjecture raised by Lusztig in [13] to a more general form and then prove this extended Lusztig's conjecture. Namely we prove that for any symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra g, there is a composition series of the U q (g)-module V (λ) ⊗ V (µ) compatible with the canonical basis. As a byproduct, the celebrated Littlewood-Richardson rule is derived and we also construct, in the same manner, a composition series of V (λ) ⊗ V (−µ) compatible with the canonical basis when g is of affine type and the level of λ − µ is nonzero.MSC2000: 17B37, 20G42, 81R50