The World Wide Web is a great source of information, which is nowadays being widely used due to the availability of useful information changing, dynamically. However, the large number of webpages often confuses many users and it is hard for them to find information on their interests. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a system capable of guiding users towards their desired choices and services. Recommender systems search among a large collection of user interests and recommend those, which are likely to be favored the most by the user. Web usage mining was designed to function on web server records, which are included in user search results. Therefore, recommender servers use the web usage mining technique to predict users' browsing patterns and recommend those patterns in the form of a suggestion list. In this article, a recommender system based on web usage mining phases (online and offline) was proposed. In the offline phase, the first step is to analyze user access records to identify user sessions. Next, user profiles are built using data from server records based on the frequency of access to pages, the time spent by the user on each page and the date of page view. Date is of importance since it is more possible for users to request new pages more than old ones and old pages are less probable to be viewed, as users mostly look for new information. Following the creation of user profiles, users are categorized in clusters using the Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm and S(c) criterion based on their similarities. In the online phase, a neural network is offered to identify the suggested model while online suggestions are generated using the suggestion module for the active user. Search engines analyze suggestion lists based on rate of user interest in pages and page rank and finally suggest appropriate pages to the active user. Experiments show that the proposed method of predicting user recent requested pages has more accuracy and cover than other methods.Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 4