For the recent few years, resou has become an interesting research top companies, especially within telecommunica Resource planning is basically trying to p quality of service while trying to keep the possible. The main aim of resource plannin the available resources as much as possibl can match the expected demand for serv resource planning looks at medium-te periods, i.e. weeks to months, and aims coarse-grain resource deployments. In work we introduced an experimental resource planning approach modeled for a in British Telecom (BT) [1]. We presented based fuzzy logic system, which ca compatibility between resources and the al and then matches the most compatibl resources to each other. The proposed hiera logic based system (in an experimental sett to achieve very good results in compa original system, where the proposed system achieve 12.2% improvement in tasks done In this paper, we introduce a hierarchica based system that uses evolutionary system fuzzy membership functions, which r improvement in the overall output of the new fuzzy-genetic based system was able a improvement in tasks done per resour hierarchical fuzzy logic based system that experts.Keywords-fuzzy logic systems, hierarchi systems, evolutionary systems, tactical resource telecommunications.