Article citation info: DUAN R, ZHOU H, FAN J. Diagnosis strategy for complex systems based on reliability analysis and MADM under epistemic uncertainty. Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc -Maintenance and Reliability 2015; 17 (3): 345-354, Rongxing DUAN Huilin ZHOU Jinghui FAN Diagnosis strategy for complex systems baseD on reliability analysis anD maDm unDer epistemic uncertainty strategia Diagnostyki Dla systemów złożonych oparta na analizie niezawoDności oraz metoDach wieloatrybutowego poDejmowania Decyzji maDm w warunkach niepewności epistemologicznej
Fault tolerant technology has greatly improved the reliability of train-ground wireless communication system (TWCS). However, its high reliability caused the lack of sufficient fault data and epistemic uncertainty, which increased significantly challenges in system diagnosis. A novel diagnosis method for TWCS is proposed to deal with these challenges in this paper, which makes the best of reliability analysis, fuzzy sets theory and MADM. Specifically, it adopts dynamic fault tree to model their dynamic fault modes and evaluates the failure rates of the basic events using fuzzy sets theory and expert elicitation to hand epistemic uncertainty. Furthermore, it calculates some quantitative parameters information provided by reliability analysis using algebraic technique and Bayesian network to overcome some disadvantages of the traditional methods. Diagnostic importance factor, sensitivity index and heuristic information values are considered comprehensively to obtain the optimal diagnostic ranking order of TWCS using an improved TOPSIS. The proposed method takes full advantages of the dynamic fault tree for modelling, fuzzy sets theory for handling uncertainty and MADM for the best fault search scheme, which is especially suitable for fault diagnosis of the complex systems.
Keywords: Train-ground wireless communication system, Reliability analysis, MADM, Epistemic uncertainty, TOPSIS.
Technologia odporna na błędy przyczyniła się do dużej poprawy niezawodności systemów łączności bezprzewodowej pociąg-ziemia (TWCS).
IntroductionTrain-ground wireless communication system (TWCS) is a safety-critical subsystem of urban rail transit and its reliability has a direct effect on the stability and safety of the train operation system. For fast technology innovation, the performance of TWCS has been greatly improved with the wide application of high dependability safeguard techniques on one hand, but on the other hand, its complexity of technology and structure increasing significantly raise challenges in system maintenance and diagnosis. These challenges are shown as follows.(1) Lack of sufficient fault samples. Fault samples integrity has a significant influence on the system diagnostic performance.However, it is extremely difficult to obtain mass fault samples which need many case studies in practice due to some reasons. One reason is imprecise knowledge in an early stage of the new product design. The other factor is the changes of th...