Naphthalened iimide (NDI) dyads exhibiting ad ifferent substitution pattern and linker length have been synthesiseda nd evaluateda sG -quadruplex (G4) ligands,b yi nvestigating their cytotoxicity in selected cell lines. The dyads with the long C 7 linker exhibit extremelyl ow IC 50 values, below 10 nm,o nd ifferent cancerc ell lines.C ontrary,t he dyads with the shorter C 4 linker were much less effective, with IC valuesi ncreasing up to 1 mm.A mong the three dyads with the longest linker, small differences in the IC 50 valuese merge, suggesting that the linker length plays a more important role than the substitution pattern. We have further shown that the dyads are able to induce cellular DNA damage response, whichi sn ot limited to the telomeric regions and is likely the origin of their cytotoxicity.B oth absorptiont itration and dynamic light scattering of the most cytotoxic dyads in the presence of hTel22 highlight their abilityt oi nduce effective G4 aggregation,a cting as non-covalentc ross-linking agents.[a] Dr.Scheme1.NDI dyads 5-16 synthesised andevaluated as G4 ligands in comparisontot he reference monomericNDI units 1-4.Scheme2.Synthesis of the water-soluble NDI dyads. a) Amine (3.0 equiv), CH 3 CN, 75 8C, 5h.b )Na 2 S 2 O 4 (2 equiv) in aqueous CH 3 CN (1:1), RT,2h. c) NDI 17 (0.95equiv), DMF,m icrowave-assistedprotocol, sealed reactionv essels (M.W., 150 8C, 200 psi, 200 W, 20 min). d) Neat N 1 ,N 1 -dimethylpropane-1,3-diamine, microwave-assistedprotocol, sealed reactionv essels (M.W., 150 8C, 200 psi, 200 W, 3min).
Absorption, CD and fluorescencespectraUV/Vis absorption spectra were recorded on as tandard Perkin-Elmer l650 spectrophotometer.C Ds pectra were recorded on a Jasco polarimeter J-715 accumulating four spectra with as can rate of 100 nm min À1 .F luorescence spectra were measured by using 1nms teps and 0.5-1 sd well time. Slits were kept as narrow as possible to 4-8 nm in excitation and 4-8 nm in emission. Where necessary,acut-off filter was used. Right angle detection was used. All the measurements were carried out at 295 Ki nq uartz cuvettes with ap ath length of 1cm. All fluorescence spectra have been obtained for air-equilibrated solutions absorbing less than 0.1 at all wavelengths to avoid inner filter effects and re-absorption of the emission. Furthermore, they have been corrected for wavelengthdependent response of the monochromator/PMT couple.