1IntroductionIn order to enhance the corrosion resistance of aluminium alloys [1] used in the aircraft industry,amulti-layer coatings ystem is formed on the metallic surface.T he first step generally consists in ana nodizing process performed in an acidic electrolyte such as sulphuric acid [2,3].T he resulting anodizedl ayer is constituted by an etwork of nanosized pores. Then this porous anodized layer is sealed in as olution containingc ompounds acting as corrosion inhibitors.C hromate is the most efficient one thanks to as pecific property of corrosion self-healing [4][5][6].H owever,d ue to its carcinogenic toxicity [7],c hromate should be banned from 2017 in the European Union.R ecently,n ew sealing solutions containing chromium(III) and zirconium(IV)s pecies have been developed and seem to be an interesting alternativet ou sual chromates [8][9][10].Nevertheless,t he efficiencyo ft he sealing processes mainly depends on the surface reactivity of the nanoporous oxide structureo nt he different anodized aluminium alloys.I nt his framework, the purpose of this work is to in-situ determine the time course of the pH change in the sealing solution, near the surface of the nanoporousa nodized structure formed on 7175 aluminium alloy.Scanninge lectrochemicalm icroscopy (SECM) was chosen here to monitor the pH at this interface using ap Hm icroelectrode.W hile SECM is historically based on monitoring the amperometric response of microelectrode [11],p otentiometric probes have rapidly been used for monitoring pH or metalc ation concentration at inter-faces [12][13][14] and applied to the analysis of metal surface treatment [15] and corrosion [14,[16][17][18][19][20]. In contrast to amperometric probes,m ost potentiometric probesc annot be positioned accurately in solution at ac ontrolled distance from the interface to be analyzed [ 21,22].I nt he present work, an additional difficulty is the positioning of the pH sensitive electrode with asufficient accuracy in air before the solutioni si ntroduced in the electrochemical cell. In this specific case, neither potentiometric nor amperometric response of microelectrode can be usedt op osition it near to the aluminium alloy surface.Shear force controlf or SECM (SF-SECM) is one of the technologies that has been proposedf or positioning am icroelectrode at ad efined distance from as ample independently from the electrochemical measurement [23][24][25].D etermination of local pH changes in shear forcebased SECM have been performede ither with iridium oxide based pH-sensor [17,20] or membrane-based ionselective electrodes [22].I nc orrosion studies,s hear force Abstract:S hear force-based scanning electrochemical microscopy is applied for pH monitoring during asealing reaction at the interface between anodized 7175 aluminium alloy and as olution containing Cr(III) and Zr(IV) species.p Hm easurement is carriedo ut with the electrode positioned near enough to the surface to be in the diffusion zone of the liquid/solid interface,i nt he reach of the surface-generated pH modulati...