The influence of information quality on decision-making for networked infrastructure management Wouter van Riel a , Jeroen Langeveld a,b , Paulien Herder c and François Clemens a,d a faculty of civil engineering and geosciences, Section Sanitary engineering, delft university of technology, delft, the netherlands; b Partners4urbanWater, nijmegen, the netherlands; c faculty of technology, Section energy and Industry, Policy and Management, delft university of technology, delft, the netherlands; d deltares, delft, the netherlands ABSTRACT Operational decision processes for networked infrastructure management often occur as a multi-actor planning problem, implying these are partly based on negotiations between different stakeholders. The starting point for negation for each stakeholder is the available information about the structural condition of his infrastructure. In this respect, this leads to the question: 'does more accurate data about actual structural condition lead to other or better decision-making?' A serious game is introduced, 'Maintenance in Motion' , aiming at investigating the influence of information quality about structural condition on replacement decisions, for single and multi-actor decision-making. Players are challenged to balance their individual goal, cost-effectiveness, with their team utility, increasing overall infrastructure quality to minimise failure while minimising overall public costs. Results show that if players are presented with perfect instead of imperfect information, in a single player environment, they played more cost-effectively. The availability of perfect instead of imperfect information about object state hardly changes game outcome in terms of team utility. It means collaborative choices for team utility are primarily based on negotiations that lead to compromises, instead of analytical reasoning as a group. This indicates that efforts in improving decisionmaking by improving information quality are only partly effective.