To predict and mitigate anthropogenic impacts on the ocean, we must understand the underlying systems that govern the ocean’s response to inputs (e.g. carbon dioxide, pollutants). Analytical models can be used to generate predictions and simulate intervention strategies, but they must be grounded with empirical observations. Unfortunately, there exists a technological gap: in situ instrumentation is often lacking or nonexistent for key parameters influenced by anthropogenic inputs. While discrete bottle samples can be collected and analyzed for these parameters, their limited spatiotemporal resolution constrains scientific inquiry. To help fill the technological gap, this dissertation presents the development of instrumentation for the ocean inorganic carbon system and microplastics. The first few chapters present the development process of CSPEC, a deep-sea laser spectrometer designed to measure the ocean carbon system through alternating measurements of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). CSPEC uses tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) to measure the CO2 content of dissolved gas extracted via a membrane inlet. Chapter 2 derives membrane equilibration dynamics from first principles, thus enabling informed design decisions. The analytical results showed that cross-sensitivity to other dissolved gases can be introduced by the equilibration method, regardless of the specificity of the gas-side instrumentation. A new method, hybrid equilibration, leverages the membrane equilibration dynamics to improve time response without incurring cross-sensitivity. Chapter 3 presents POCO, a surface pCO2 instrument that employs TDLAS and a depth-compatible membrane inlet. Through laboratory and field-testing, POCO demonstrated that hybrid equilibration overcame the gas flux limitation of deep-sea membrane inlets. Chapter 4 presents CSPEC, which successfully mapped the carbon system near different hydrothermal features at 2000 m in Guaymas Basin, becoming one of the first DIC instruments field-tested at depth. Chapter 5 introduces impedance spectroscopy for quantifying microplastics directly in water. Microplastics were successfully counted, sized, and differentiated from biology in the laboratory: a step toward in situ quantification. The analytical tools and measurement systems presented in this dissertation represent a significant step towards increasing the spatiotemporal resolution of carbon system and microplastic measurements, thus enabling broader scientific inquiry in the future.