“…After the first capture clock (scan clk[0] = 00100), the first third of the circuit response is latched into Segment 0, in the second capture clock (scan clk [1] = 00100), another third of the test response is stored into Segment 1, and in the third and last capture clock (scan clk [2] = 00100), the last part of the circuit response is stored into Segment 2. The multiclock capture cycle is the fundamental 1 One possible solution for making the scan control unit testable is to scan its sequential part, i.e., the flip-flops of the modulo-N counter, and add observation difference between this approach and all previously proposed low power scan architectures, which capture the entire test response in a single clock. While in the case of single-clock capture, all flip-flops in the scan chain can change their values simultaneously, the multiclock capture cycle allows at most 1=N of the flip-flops in the design to change their value simultaneously.…”