The collective behaviour of two-dimensional (2D) liquid dusty plasmas under perpendicular magnetic fields is studied using Langevin dynamic simulations. Based on the positions and velocities of the simulated dust particles, the dynamic parameters of intermediate scattering functions and probability distribution functions are calculated. It is found that, under different 2D liquid dusty plasma conditions, the motion of individual dust particles tends to be more super-diffusive under stronger perpendicular magnetic fields, well consistent with the previous finding using a different diagnostic technique.
KEYWORDSintermediate scattering function, Langevin dynamical simulation, magnetized dusty plasmas, probability distribution function, superdiffusion
INTRODUCTIONDusty plasma (DP) [(1-7)] refers to nanometre to centimetre-sized solid matter, called dust particles, in an ionized gas. In the typical laboratory dusty plasmas, physicists introduce mono-dispersed polymer microspheres, [(2,3)] or dust particles, with a typical diameter of 4-10 μm, into a radio frequency (rf) plasma. In the rf plasma, these dust particles are typically charged to 10 3 ∼ 10 5 e negatively within microseconds in the final steady state. [8] The strong vertical electric field in the plasma sheath can levitate these negatively charged dust particles, while the weak radial electric field in the sheath region can confine them. As a result, a single-layer suspension of dust particles, or a two-dimensional (2D) DP, can be formed experimentally. [8] In 2D DPs, the dust particles are strongly coupled because of their extremely low charge-to-mass ratio.[1] These strongly coupled dust particles exhibit collective behaviours of liquids and solids. Because of the shielding effect provided by the free electrons and ions in plasmas, the interaction between dust particles can be accurately modelled as a Yukawa (or Debye-Hückel) interaction. [9] In the past decades, various structural and dynamic analyses of 2D DPs have been made using Langevin molecular dynamic (MD) simulations of 2D solids and liquids. The static structural measures for 2D DPs include translational and the orientational order, [10] while the dynamic analyses include diffusion transport, [11] viscosity, [12] and thermal conductivity. [13] Recently, the behaviour of DPs under magnetic fields has attracted much attention. [(14-21)] The study of a magnetized DP is mainly driven by three main experimental setups, [(22-24)] which have generated a lot of new physics of DPs due to the applied external magnetic fields. [(25-28)] Motivated by these experiments, MD simulations have also been used to study magnetized DPs. [(29-31)] From these MD simulations, it has been found that the structure of 2D DPs is not affected by magnetic fields [31] but much of their dynamics is fundamentally modified because of externally applied magnetic fields. [(29,30)] For example, magnetoplasmons are generated in 2D DPs by perpendicular magnetic fields. [(32,33)] As a fundamental transport mechanism, diffusion has b...