A bstract Autosomal, dominantly inherited, non-chro maffin paragangliomas are tumors of the head and neck region occurring with a frequency of 1:30 000. Genomic imprinting probably influences the expression of the dis order, because tumor development is limited to individu als who have inherited the trait from their father. By link age analysis and haplotyping of a single large family in which the pattern of inheritance is consistent with ge nomic imprinting, we have mapped the gene to a 5 cM re gion of chromosome 1 lq 13.1 between D11S956 and PYGM. A maximum lod score of 7.62 at © = 0.0 was ob tained for D11S480. This interval does not overlap with a recently assigned locus for glomus tumors in other fami lies; 1 Iq22.3-q23.3. Furthermore, analysis of a second family showing the imprinting phenomenon resulted in the exclusion of the 5 cM area as the location of the dis ease gene, whereas an indication for linkage was obtained (Z = +2.65) with markers from the distal locus. These ob servations argue for the presence of two distinct imprinted genes for glomus tumors on 1 lq. A model for tumor initi ation and progression is presented based on all available information.