Abstract. We study the vibration of slender one-dimensional elastic structures (beams, cables, wires, rods) under the effect of a moving mass or load. We first consider the classical smalldeflection (Euler-Bernoulli) beam case, where we look at tip vibrations of a cantilever as a model for a barreled launch system. Then we develop a theory for large deformations based on Cosserat rod theory. We illustrate the effect of moving loads on large-deformation structures with a few cable and arch problems. Large deformations are found to have a resonance detuning effect on the cable. For the arch we find different failure modes depending on its depth: a shallow arch fails by in-plane collapse, while a deep arch fails by sideways flopping. In both cases the speed of the traversing load is found to have a stabilising effect on the structure, with failure suppressed entirely at sufficiently high speed.