z www.nature.com/scientificreports/ commercially available CCs have shown lower R s than 300 µm thick Cu colaminated on stainless steel (equivalent of FCC beam screen) at T = 50 K and ν = 8 GHz up to 9 T. In addition, we demonstrated compatibility with thin a-C layers to mitigate the secondary electron yield 11. In this work, we extend the temperature range of measured surface resistances to T = 20−70 K. It allows a discussion about the surface resistance and vortex physics of CCs with different microstructures in a wide range of temperatures. The vortex parameters depinning frequency ν 0 , vortex viscosity η and Labusch parameter k p are derived within the Gittleman-Rosenblum and Bardeen-Stephen models. The model proposed by Gittleman and Rosenblum 12 is a mean-field theory for vortices in a periodic pinning potential driven by high frequency oscillating, subcritical currents without thermal activation. It modulates both the resistive and reactive response of vortices to the driving field. In our case, the lack of complete surface reactance data sets has to be compensated by additional model confinements. With a modified Bardeen-Stephen model 13 , which describes the motion of vortices in a type II superconductor, we can estimate the vortex viscosity η. It reduces the Gittleman-Rosenblum model parameters to only one, the depinning frequency ν 0 , and thus makes it available through fitting the measured surface resistance R s. We validate the two model approach for one sample with the ratio of surface reactance and surface resistance at T = 20 K , which lets us determine the depinning frequency sticking exclusively to the Gittleman-Rosenblum model. Finally, having established the microwave vortex parameters, we extrapolate the surface impedance of CCs down to 1 GHz , up to 16 T and compare it to the microwave response of Cu at FCC-hh conditions.