Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT)-based tools for network control plane analysis make it possible to reason exhaustively about interactions with peer networks and to detect vulnerabilities such as accidental use of a network as transit or prefix hijacking. SMT-based reasoning also facilitates synthesis and repair. To scale SMT-based verification to large networks, we introduce TIMEPIECE, a new modular control plane verification system. While past verifiers like Minesweeper [8] were based on analysis of stable paths, we show that such models, when deployed naïvely in service of modular verification, are unsound. To rectify the situation, we adopt a routing model based around a logical notion of time and develop a sound, expressive, and scalable verification engine.Our system requires that a user specifies interfaces between module components. We develop methods for defining these interfaces using predicates inspired by temporal logic, and show how to use those interfaces to verify a range of networkwide properties such as reachability, "no transit," and "no hijacking." Verifying a prefix-filtering policy using a nonmodular verification engine times out on a 320-node fattree network after 4 hours. However, TIMEPIECE verifies a 4,500node fattree in 6.5 minutes on a 96-core virtual machine. Modular verification of individual routers is embarrassingly parallel and completes in seconds, which allows verification to scale beyond non-modular engines, while still allowing the full power of SMT-based symbolic reasoning.