A technique for the entrapment of the unicellular algae Dunaliella salina in agarose beads and their perfusion during NMR measurements is presented. The trapped cells maintained their ability to proliferate under normal growth conditions, and remained viable and stable under steady-state conditions for long periods during NMR measurements. Following osmotic shock in the dark, prominent changes were observed in the intracellular level of ATP and polyphosphates, but little to no changes in the intracellular pH or orthoposphate content. When cells were subjected to hyperosmotic shock, the ATP level decreased. The content of NMR-visible polyphosphates decreased as well, presumably due to the production of longer, NMR-invisible structures. Following hypoosmotic shock, the ATP content increased and longer polyphosphates were broken down to shorter, more mobile polymers.Dunaliella (Volvocales, Chlorophyceae) is a unicellular, motile green alga, which lacks a rigid cell wall. Dunaliella has the capacity to adapt to a wide range of salt concentrations (0.1 -5.5 M NaCl), adjusting to the extracellular osmotic pressure by accumulating glycerol as an osmolyte and compatible solute. At constant salinity, the turnover rate of the glycerol pool is relatively slow [l]. When subjected to a hypoosmotic or hyperosmotic shock, the cells react within seconds like osmometers, swelling or shrinking, respectively, due to very rapid water fluxes. This is followed by a metabolic phase, which lasts about two hours, during which the cell carries out massive glycerol synthesis or elimination [2] in order to regain its original volume. It was established that the main immediate carbon source for glycerol production in the light (and the only one in the dark), and the end product of the glycerol elimination process is starch [3, 41. A cycle of glycerol metabolism has been proposed [5, 61, but the initial signal triggering glycerol metabolism and the control points of glycerol -starch interconversion are not yet resolved.NMR techniques were recently employed in studies aimed at understanding the mechanism of osmoregulation and its control. Such techniques monitor intracellular components in vivo, non-invasively and in real time. Living Dunaliella cells were studied using 31P, I3C and 23Na NMR [7-131. In vivo NMR techniques require very high cell densities for obtaining a good signal-to-noise ratio within a reasonable time. Means must therefore be developed to maintain such high cell densities under conditions which closely simulate normal growth conditions. This can be achieved by trapping of the cells and continuous perfusion with fresh medium of a controlled composition. Perfusion also permits the study of the response of the cells to changes in the extracellular environment in real time, without removing the cells from the cavity of the NMR .magnet.