“…The ΔR1 induced from supplemental oxygen in the arterial (ΔR1 B,A ) and venous (ΔR1 B,V ) blood compartments can both be calculated from the following equation
where R1 b (PO 2 ) is the general equation for calculating the R1 of blood by Bluemke et al
19 (shown in Figure 3):
where R1 b is the relaxation rate of whole blood, R1 eox is the relaxation rate of erythrocytes when SO 2 = 100%, [Hb] is the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (5.15 mmol Hb tetramer/L plasma), r1 dHb is the molar relaxivity of deoxyhemoglobin (in s −1 L plasma in erythrocyte/mmol Hb tetramer), n is the Hill exponent for hemoglobin (typically 2.7),
30 R1 p is the longitudinal relaxation rate of plasma (s −1 ), and r1 pOx is the relaxivity of dissolved oxygen in the plasma in s −1 mmHg −1 oxygen. The variable f e is the fraction of water in whole blood that resides in erythrocytes (0–1), which is described by the equation: