Raw data are often orders of magnitude larger than main memory for many applications. As the performance of storage devices is still significantly slower than main memory, systems still rely on memory caching to improve performance. Data replication schemes are prevalent in data stores for high availability and reliability. In such schemes, while data updates are propagated to all replicas (either synchronously or in the background), reads are usually served by only a subset of replica group members (e.g., as in primary-backup and quorum systems). As a result, non-serving replicas cannot keep their memory cache state updated; thus, during a reconfiguration or a fail-over action, the system suffers from a high read-performance impact for a significant amount of time due to cold-cache misses. In our study we observed up to 70% hit after a reconfiguration due to cold cache misses, taking almost 18 minutes in some cases to fully restore to the pre-reconfiguration level of performance.In this paper we propose a mechanism to maintain up-to-date read caches across replicas by sending read hints to the non-serving replicas to keep their caches warm. Thus the system is able to seamlessly achieve the same performance level even in the face of a replica group re-organization. This is especially important under the read-intensive workloads that are common today. Our evaluation shows that our mechanism has significant benefits during reconfigurations, with low performance impact under periods of resource strain. Given its advisory nature, the maintenance of read hints can be reduced or held off if needed during such periods.