All cellular membranes have the functionality of generating and maintaining the gradients of electrical and electrochemical potentials. Such potentials were generally thought to be an essential but homeostatic contributor to complex bacterial behaviors. Recent studies have revised this view, and we now know that bacterial membrane potential is dynamic and plays signaling roles in cellcell interaction, adaptation to antibiotics, and sensation of cellular conditions and environments. These discoveries argue that bacterial membrane potential dynamics deserve more attention. Here, we review the recent studies revealing the signaling roles of bacterial membrane potential dynamics. We also introduce basic biophysical theories of the membrane potential to the microbiology community and discuss the needs to revise these theories for applications in bacterial electrophysiology.
Membrane Potential Is Important for Bacterial FunctionsAcross the cellular membrane there is an electrical potential (see Glossary) difference, akin to a conventional battery. This electrical potential across the membrane, membrane potential (a.k.a. transmembrane voltage), is a source of free energy which enables cells to do chemical and mechanical work. Due to its well-known importance in fundamental cellular functions such as ATP synthesis [1,2], this potential was generally assumed to be homeostatic. However, recent studies revealed that the bacterial membrane potential is dynamicit can act as a tool for information signaling and processing. It is now evident that membrane potential regulates a wide range of bacterial physiology and behaviors, for example, pH homeostasis [3,4], membrane transport [5], motility [6,7], antibiotic resistance [8], cell division [9], electrical communication [10,11], and environmental sensing [12][13][14]. Here, we review the physiological roles of bacterial membrane potential as a source of free energy and as a means of information signaling and processing (Figure 1). The roles of membrane potential in bioenergetics are well documented in textbooks (e.g., [15]). Thus, our main focus is on recent studies reporting the dynamic signaling.While we introduce the basic biophysical theories of membrane potential that are critical for microbiological investigations, in-depth biophysical analyses and concepts of membrane potential, including dipolar potential and electrodiffusion, are beyond the scope of this article. This is due to our focus here on microbiological context. For these topics, we recommend the reviews [16][17][18][19]. This review focuses on studies at the cellular level. Readers interested in studies on the molecular dynamics of prokaryotic ion channels are directed to the reviews [20][21][22]. They are only superficially mentioned because of our focus on the cell-level phenomena. Membrane potential dynamics is not the only electrical process in cells. The other important electrical and electrochemical cellular processes, such as redox metabolism, external electron transfer (EET), and direct interspecies ele...