Abstract-This paper presents a unifying theory for many concepts and operations encountered in or related to morphological image and signal analysis. This unification requires a set-theoretic melhodology, where signals are modeled as sets, systems (signal transformations) are viewed as set mappings, and translation-invariant systems are uniquely characterized by special collections of input signals. This approach leads to a general representation theory, in which any translation-invariant, increasing, upper semicontinuous system can be represented exactly as a minimal nonlinear superposition of morphological erosions or dilations.In this representation, many similarities and a few differences are observed between systems processing binary or multilevel signals, and continuous-domain or discrete-domain signals.The theory is used to analyze some special cases of image/signal analysis systems, such as morphological filters, median and order-statistic filters, linear filters, and shape recognition transforms.Although the developed theory is algebraic, its prototype operations are well suitable for shape analysis; hence, the results of this study also apply to systems that extract information about the geometrical structure of signals.Zndex Terms--Image/signal processing, mathematical morphology, nonlinear/linear filtering, shape analysis, systems representation.