The concept of pure spinor is generalized, giving rise to the notion of pure subspaces, spinorial subspaces associated to isotropic vector subspaces of non-maximal dimension. Several algebraic identities concerning the pure subspaces are proved here, as well as some differential results. Furthermore, the freedom in the choice of a spinorial connection is exploited in order to relate twistor equation to the integrability of maximally isotropic distributions. (2 Spinors and the Space V ⊕ V * Given a vector space V endowed with a non-degenerate inner product , , the Clifford Algebra Cl(V) is an algebra in this vector space such that:(1)The space of spinors associated to ( V, , ) is a vectorial space S where an irreducible and faithful representation of Cl(V) acts. In even dimensions it is always possible to find a matrix representation for Cl(V), if dim(V) = 2n then the least-dimensional faithful representation of this algebra is provided by 2 n × 2 n matrices. Therefore, in this case spinors are represented